My spouse and I decided to move closer to the city, because she was commuting an hour and a half to work 4 days every week.
I was close to my job at the heating and A/C service business, but I told my spouse that we could compromise. Now we have a 50 minute drive to work and we are in a much nicer village. The neighborhood has lots of older brick homes and huge trees to provide plenty of shade. I was actually happy that we found a home in this village. It’s one of the older and nicer villages in the whole metropolitan area. In the afternoon when I drive to the heating and A/C service business, it takes about 50 minutes to get from my place to the task. I am happy that most of the drive is highway miles. It’s about 46 miles from my locale to work, and almost all of the drive is interstate miles. I can go 70 or 70 miles per hour in the afternoon because everyone is commuting. Sometimes I hop in the HOV lane if we ride to work together! She works for the same heating and A/C service business, even though she lives much closer to the city. When she is having automobile trouble or her child needs to take the automobile to college, I pick him up and take him to work. On those days, I have to leave a little bit earlier in order to make it to work on time.